Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jessica Kingham - "too hot for OnlyTease" !!

  Today's update is for a very beautiful girl who had a few great OnlyTease shoots a few years ago.  Jessica Kingham is a top-type of model who at one time looked to be one of the most promising new "Only" girls for the future.

 Jessica was a great rising glamour model earlier this decade, and she got her feet wet with a few OnlyTease shoots.  A couple years ago, however, she had a very high finish in the Sun's annual Page-3 competition, which resulted in her becoming "exclusive" for some other agency, and therefore no longer shooting for OnlyTease.  It is a big shame what transpired, as Jessica is absolutely gorgeous.  However, it has happened a bunch of other times, with several other models, that they became quite prominent and out of the OnlyTease pay-range (like Melissa Debling)..... Or they finished very high in Page 3 (like Emma Kuizara), and frankly became "out-of-our-league"...

 Anyway, Jessica Kingham still has a couple dozen great sets in her OnlyTease archive to enjoy.  One of her best is this one, where she looks so cute in a colorful clubbing dress with matching purple pantyhose !!  She is an absolute cutie, and quite honestly one of the girls I am most gutted about who didn't become a long-term "regular" for OnlyTease.

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